August 18, 2003

samson (a former student of mine from san francisco) visited recently and brought a van load of food with him (two roasted ducks (whole), cooked pork, a bag of super spicey not-ramen, lots of asian-type snacks (sticks of bread with chocolate inside. sticks of bread with chocolate outside. sticks of bread that you dip into chocolate), and...

dried mangoes.

i hadn't even realized that he knew i liked them. they're the philippine brand and they're soooooooooooooooooo much better than the dried mangoes you get around here (which are like semi-sweet hardened cardboard.)

when we collectively ripped through two bags of mangoes and the girls were getting mad at me that there wasn't any more, i realized that i should head for the internet. perhaps i could buy the stuff online.

i can. but at twice the price samson shelled out in SF. (bummer)

but while i was searching, i came across another philippine brand dried mango fan.

be forwarned, his analogies are a little... well, gross. but i think that all in all, he's captured the philippine dried mango experience pretty well.

so i thought i'd share.

ps: i can't exactly say that i've experienced the, uh, negative side affects that he claims to have experienced. ... just thought you should know.

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