July 7, 2006

Cavalcade of Bad Nativities

Ideally I'd wait until Christmas time rolls around again to post this link, but as Sara (I think that's her name) says, "I've just been alerted to something so very, very wrong, it cannot wait."

Here's some more quotes:

"Once again proving that the only thing better than a cheap nativity is a cheap nativity with fiber optic holiness-indicators..."

"apologies for all the big images, but if I compress them too much, you lose the horror. "

"I don't know about you, but I never want to have to decide if I should eat the baby Jesus feet-first or head-first."

"God came to earth...as a hobbit."

The quotes are just a foretaste. The pictures bring it all to life. So here you go, a little bit of Christmas in July. Enjoy!


  1. Our ducky who art in heaven? Gives new meaning to communion wafers, but I think stale breadcrumbs are definately an improvement.

  2. I can't wait till the Christian fundies start killing people over this!

  3. Oh dear! On page 3, the third one up from the bottom of the page is a little distracting... *ahem*

  4. Im so going to E-hell in a hand basket :( I laughed lol.

  5. she's had the list posted for 2 years and my guess is the fundies have been using it since to do their christmas decoration shopping. ;-)

  6. Naaaaaaa not since the three crusades and the Spanish did their thing ;) Good things these were not jokes about Mohammad..... The riots would be going on for years.

  7. oh, there's still a holy war. it just involves who can decorate their house with the most gaudy, ugly, unbiblical crap and still call it a religious holiday.

  8. but I can end the holy war with my bad taste :( It's a gift.

  9. Hey, the annoying crying sound baby Jesus noisemaker didn't make the list from a SNL skit from long ago...that was the best.

  10. she was only doing nativities, dear. :-P

  11. The angel kitsch is also hilarious!!

  12. well, unless there was another set of ducks in the cavalcade. i don't remember now.

  13. I just saw the beaks and wasn't much paying attention to details. :D


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