July 23, 2013

Zucchini Hummus - GF/CF/Raw

This recipe is straight out of Going Raw: Everything You Need to Start Your Own Raw Food Diet & Lifestyle Revolution at Home, by Judita Wignall. I checked the book out from our local library and I've probably spent more time reading it than any of the other cookbooks that I've recently picked up. (I grabbed a bunch from the library but also ordered several from Amazon.) Judita is a gracious evangelist, encouraging her readers to try adding some raw foods to their diet, even if they don't dive in whole hog. (In other words, she doesn't beat her readers over the head with some sort of raw foods bible, preaching fire and brimstone if you don't totally convert to an all raw diet.)

Because chickpeas have to be cooked, Judita offers a hummus recipe with zucchini as the base. (Yay! One more way to use up all that zucchini from the garden.) Nathan made this hummus the same day that I brought the book home. It was absolutely delicious, but he wouldn't let me or Rob have more than a taste. So I grabbed a can of chickpeas, whipped up some of my own hummus, and sat down to eat that instead. I'll admit right up front for all to hear, Nathan's zucchini hummus beat the pants off of my chickpea hummus. Even Rob agreed.

According to the book, this makes 6 - 8 servings. I don't think that's even remotely accurate. Nathan ate his batch all himself and then wanted a little more and tried mine (at which point he decided he was full since mine wasn't as good). So I think you're lucky if this makes 2 servings. But I suppose it depends on how you're eating it. If you're making a spread for your falafel sandwiches, this should work for you. If you're about to sit down to an episode of The Mentalist and you want to munch on yummies dipped in hummus the whole time... and you're going to have to share your hummus with others, then plan on at least doubling the recipe.

1 cup (124 g) peeled and chopped zucchini
1/4 cup (60 ml) lemon juice
2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon cumin
pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 cup (120 g) raw tahini paste
2 teaspoons minced parsley (We skipped this since we didn't have any on hand.)
Za'atar seasoning (dried thyme, oregano, marjoram, sesame seeds, and other spices), paprika, olive oil, and pine nuts for garnish  (Nathan used some dried oregano, resh thyme, paprika and olive oil and skipped the rest since we didn't have it all on hand).

1. Place the zucchini, lemon juice, oil, garlic, salt, paprika, cumin, and cayenne in a blender and process until smooth. Add the tahini and blend again until well incorporated.
2. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the minced parsley. Garnish with the za'atar seasoning, paprika, olive oil, and pine nuts.
3. Chill for 2 hours. (We didn't manage this. It was eaten within 1 hour.)

According to the book, "Two tablespoons (30 g) of tahini contains almost 35 percent of your recommended daily calcium intake.


  1. Meg, if you don't mind I'm going to share this recipe on facebook. If you're still on facebook, there's a Kindle group that I'm a member of that is always posting free books. I have all kinds of free cookbooks from there but no raw food ones. The name of the group is 'Kindle Freebies I found today' and was started by an ex-multiply member.

    Anyway, now someone has to make the moussaka, which I like. I think your Nathan is a growing boy. One of my students who doesn't seem to grow, is always eating. He went to Seattle to do an English course at the beginning of July. I hope he hasn't been hungry.

    1. P.S. I think you could have added some Mrs. Dash for the spices. I made a stir-fry the other day and Mrs. Dash left a wonderful dash to the dish.

  2. I shared this post with my brother and he asked me to thank you for the reference to Judita Wignall's book.

    He and I agree that we wouldn't call this thing hummus but hey, could be a nice zucchini dip/salad. (Yes, the pedantic tendencies run in our family ;) )

  3. Oh, I never mind when posts are shared. That's what they're there for. :-) (Unless they're set to private. But this blog isn't.)

    I know it's not proper hummus, Meirav. But it really tastes like it. Some of the new recipes we're trying are way off from the originals that they're supposedly mimicking. But this one is surprisingly close.

    1. Well, maybe if it tastes like hummus then even a pedant like me might relent about the naming :-)

      Reminds me of stuff my mum used to make which she called "mock chopped liver", made of aubergines - from the days when we had rationing and people invented all sorts of meat-free/egg-free recipes to imitate the stuff they were missing. So maybe this zucchini thing could be "mock hummus" :-)


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